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Sensitivity to the Spirit

34% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Sensitivity to the Spirit.

Cherish in thy bosom the whisperings of peace.

You shall hear the voice of God from time to time.

Listen to the whisperings of the still small voice of the comforter.

The wiles of men shall not lead thee into by and forbidden paths, for thou shalt hear 'the still small voice,' declaring, 'this is the way, walk ye in it.'

Thou shalt be led by the Spirit of the Lord to avoid evil, to cherish the truth, to overcome and conquer thyself and earn for thyself eternal life.

God loveth you. Listen to the whisperings of his spirit.

Thou shall gain wisdom, often time by the experience of the past and by listening to the whispering of that still small voice which will guide unto all truth.

Through the inspirations of the Holy Spirit and in dreams at night in your chamber you shall receive understanding.

Thou shalt receive information by the whisperings of the spirit regarding thy progenitors.

Listen strictly to the still small voice, and it shall be as a lamp unto thy feet, and thou shalt have influence and power to do much good.

I bless you that as impressions come to you you may be so sensitive as to understand them.

If you listen to the still small voice the Lord will lead you into all truth and you will become an honor to your parents and to the church.

As thou shalt seek blessings of the Lord in humility and in righteousness and learn to heed the whisperings and promptings of the still small voice of thine guardian angel which shall be thy constant guide and companion, and shall be thy first impressions, thou shalt avoid many of the difficulties and trials in life.

The Lord will help you through the whisperings of the Holy Ghost so that you will be able to fulfill the great mission that was given unto you.

Learn to recognize the promptings of the spirit and follow the same.

Listen to that still small voice which will testify to you to the truthfulness of the Gospel, and will help you to explain it unto others, and will bear testimony to the spirits of others that what you are saying is the truth.

Be receptive to the promptings from on high.

I bless you that you will have inspiration given to you from the power of the Holy Spirit, that he might give you assurance, power and understanding, and prompt you to know the people you should talk with.

Plan those things that you do. Plan them carefully; submit them to our Father in Heaven until you feel that warm feeling in your own heart. If you do not feel this, have courage to change, because the lives of some will depend on that which you do and that includes those souls who are destined to live their early lives with you.

You will received the feelings of the holy ghost functioning in your behalf.

You have a sensitive spirit which feels the needs of others about you.

I bless you, *****, that you will have the promptings of the Holy Ghost. He will speak to you, spirit to spirit. You are of the ilk of the Holy Ghost. He will continue to be a great friend. He is at your beck and call to help you in every facet of your life, temporally and spiritually.

Remember that as you seek you shall find. The power and influence of the Holy Spirit shall be made manifest in all righteousness.

You have developed a maturity of mind and a sensitivity of spirit that is beyond your years.

You have been blessed with a luster of personality and a maturity of mind and a sensitivity of spirit beyond your years.

I bless you with hearing, both to things temporal and things spiritual, hearing the spoken word and that still small voice of the spirit.

You have been given a gift of great spirituality and receptiveness to the promptings of the spirit.

As you pray you shall hear the still small voice of the Holy Spirit who will teach you those things you must know and do and will reveal to your mind sacred truths.

You will be an instrument whereby Heavenly Father will reveal spiritual and eternal truths that will guide you along the path of mortality. Listen carefully to the voice of the Spirit.

One of the gifts that you will be given will be the gift of spirituality. This gift will enable you understand and hear the voice of the Lord and to hear the promptings of the Spirit. Revelation will come to you, and you will be guided throughout your life by the Spirit as long as you turn to the Spirit and seek for it.

Heed and obey the promptings of the Holy Ghost and He will lead you in righteous Ways, warn you in time of need and His Power will neutralize the power of evil in your life.

The great comforter will be with you always, so listen for the sacred promptings that come to you and then act upon them and you truly will be blessed all the days of your life.

You will feel the promptings of the Spirit in your life. Whenever you have to make an important decision, pray for guidance and then listen to the prompting of the Holy Ghost. You will hear that still, small voice as thunder in your ears so that you will know what is to be done.

Your mind and spirit will be receptive to the promptings of the Spirit and the teachings that you are to do.

You can develop within yourself the quality of spirituality, a quality of being receptive to the thing of the spirit.

You will have help, if you need it. Kneel and ask for it and it will be given you by that still small voice which will enter in your mind and guide and direct you in what you need to do.

I bless you with the desire and the ability to listen carefully to the promptings of the spirit. Live your life so that you will always be found in tune and the veil between heaven and earth will be thin at times for you will recognize the source from which inspiration comes.

You will feel the promptings of the gift of the Holy Ghost in many situations.

The ability you gain in the mission field to recognize and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit will be a great blessing for you throughout your life.

The Holy Ghost will be a constant companion of yours as truly as you pray for guidance and then listen to the promptings of the Spirit as they come.

You will recognize the promptings that come from the Spirit, whether they be ever so slight, or by voice.

I bless you that you will learn to recognize the still, small voice that will whisper in your heart and give you visions, revelations, and answers to your prayers.

I bless you that you will appreciate the gift of faith and the need to exercise this gift throughout your life, so that you may be in tune with the Spirit and be able to recognize those things that you will need to do to accomplish the tasks and responsibilities that will be given to you.

I bless you that you will live a life above reproach, staying close to the Lord so that you might hear the promptings of the still, small voice as you receive personal revelation and inspiration.

I bless you to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

As the Spirit prompts, you are to respond in the selfsame day.

You are anxious to stay close to the Lord and to receive his inspiration and direction. The blessing you seek come only through the righteous principles of the priesthood, through patience and long-suffering, through valiant efforts, courageous acts, and faithfulness in serving Him and your fellowman.

You have been blessed with a sensitivity to the Spirit of the Holy Ghost.

Further, with this blessing, I amplify your sensitivity to the Spirit of your Heavenly Father.

Your life will have much that is beautiful and lovely in it as you come to recognize the quiet voice of the Spirit in your day to day affairs. You will feel the witness of the Spirit that this is the work of God and not of man and you will bear that testimony to others when it is fitting to do so.

I bless you with increasing sensitivity to the whisperings of the still, small voice, that you will hear and will recognize the promptings that will come to you, mostly as impressions and feelings in your mind and in your heart. You will be warned of dangers, both physical and spiritual, through this precious and sacred source. Those promptings come quietly and are easily missed when you are preoccupied with the things of this world. Take time to meditate and to reflect upon your many blessings and upon things of a spiritual nature, that you will be open and receptive to this flow of inspiration. Pay particular attention to those promptings that are repetitive.

Listen to the whisperings of the Spirit and the promptings of your conscience for the Lord has many great and wonderful things in store for you.

Be wise and listen to the promptings of the Spirit.

The Spirit of the Lord will be active in you.

Listen for the communication of spirit to spirit as you live your life. Remember your first impressions when making decisions.

I bless you with confidence in yourself and in your ability to teach, and I bless you with discernment of the spirit in those you meet that you might be guided in thought and deed as you reach out to them in faith.

You must develop your receptivity to the gift of the Holy Ghost for this gift will bring you back into the presence of our Father in Heaven.

Your formidable and intelligent mind will be inspired by the Holy Spirit.

As a mother in Zion, you will raise your children through inspiration and meet their individual needs through the sensitive spirit God has blessed you with.

You have a great ability to be able to feel of the Spirit. Throughout your life you will be guided by that still, small voice.

Go forth; prepare yourself to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

By that time you should have learned to heed the promptings that come through the Holy Ghost that would enable you to make wise decisions so that you may then serve valiantly in the mission field with your companions.

Invite the Spirit of the Lord into your life and listen to feel the silent, inspired impressions. Strive to be in tune with the Spirit; wherein, you can receive the inspired guidance and communication that you seek.

Learn to listen to and enjoy the Spirit.

Listen to the prompting of the Holy Ghost. He is there to help you and this will bring light and truth to you. All you need to do is ask.

We bless you that you will quiet your mind, that you will be able to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and be able to have the guidance and direction you need to complete all that you are asked to do.

You are sensitive to the things of the spirit, and I bless you that this may always be the case. Never delay responding to the spirit, for it will protect you. It will guide you, and direct you, it will prompt you.

Pray, fast and listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost as you are directed by the Lord.

Be receptive to the impressions your Heavenly Father gives you. He will inspire your mind from time to time as you move on your journey of life.

Seek, listen for and follow the promptings of the still small voice.

I bless you that you will be especially sensitive to the Spirit of the Lord and learn to understand the soft, quiet influence with which the Spirit of the Lord will impress you as the Lord guides you by this power to know right from wrong and which choices will best benefit your life and the lives of those over whom you will be responsible.

You will be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Ghost

You will sense whisperings and promptings and soothing influences by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Things of God are spiritually discerned by the righteous. You are blessed with an acute sensitivity to impressions that will lead you to find good that may be concealed.

When questions arise, study these things out in your mind and in your heart, ask your Father in Heaven in the name of Jesus Christ concerning these questions, and by the power of the Holy Ghost you will come to know the truth of all things.

Blessing #24
The Spirit of the Lord will rest mightily upon you, and you will be endowed with the capacity to feel and respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

Blessing #23
You are blessed that the Holy Ghost will be very active in your life. You will heed the prompting that you receive from the Holy Ghost.

Blessing #49
These gifts will help you direct your thoughts toward the Lord and they will enable you to hearken unto the Holy Spirit to accept and believe gospel principals.

Blessing #94
You should listen carefully to the promptings as they come to you. Through these promptings, you will be able to avoid the temptations of Satan.

Blessing #123
You will be a shining light to many around you in the exercise of the spirit and the skills of your faithful preparation.

Blessing #273
You will feel the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Listen to that still small voice for that is the way it will come. It will not come with a shout or thunder but with love, peace, joy and happiness that you might find contentment in your life.